Nevada Law Journal
This Note focuses on an education-based alternative to promote effective interactions between pharmaceutical corporations and physicians that benefit patients while allowing these corporations to exercise business discretion. Specifically, educational programs that teach physicians how to interact with pharmaceutical corporations most effectively may maximize the benefits for all parties involved. Although many of the arguments presented may be extended to corporations that sell or market medical devices or appliances, their application in that context is beyond the scope of this Note. In Part II, this Note discusses the background of corporate decision-making and its application in the pharmaceutical industry in Nevada. Part III analyzes the pertinent Nevada statutes, and how they apply in a practical context. Then, in Part IV, this Note offers alternative approaches to promote the best interests of patients while maintaining corporate autonomy in decision-making functions. Part V concludes with some final thoughts.
Recommended Citation
Timothy Koval,
Reduced Discretion in Corporate Governance as Applied to the Pharmaceutical Industry in Nevada,
Nev. L.J.
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