"Reed Dickerson’s Originalism — What it Contributes to Contemporary Con" by Thomas B. McAffee

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In this article the author offers his personal gratitude for the work of Reed Dickerson, along with some thoughts on his important contributions to our understanding of the interpretive process. As a young scholar in need of help in grappling with the continuing debate over constitutional interpretation, the author turned, at the suggestion of colleagues, to Reed Dickerson’s impressive book on statutory interpretation. The hours spent attempting to ingest Reed’s thoughtful work were amply rewarded, and the author took the occasion of publishing an article on the original intent debate to refer in an initial footnote to his intellectual debt to Reed’s work and the illumination it had provided the author on the nature of legal interpretation in general. This occasion provides the author with the opportunity to expand on the reasons for his own conviction that serious constitutional thinkers should become well-acquainted with Professor Reed’s work.

Publication Citation

16 S. Ill. U. L.J. 617 (1992).
