
Aaron Kempf

Document Type

Case Summary

Publication Date


Case Synopsis

The Nevada Supreme Court reviewed the appeals by both parties in the instant matter. The City of Las Vegas (“the City”) challenged the district court’s finding that a taking occurred, the just compensation award, and the other monetary awards made to 180 Land Co., LLC (“180 Land”). 180 Land challenged the district court’s determination of prejudgment interest awarded to them. In its opinion, the Nevada Supreme Court reviewed whether the land R-PD7 residential zoning or its PR-OS land designation governed 180 Land’s ability to develop the property. The court reviewed the district court’s adoption of 180 Land’s expert witness’ determination valuation of the land’s highest and best use. Finally, the court reviewed the district court’s award of property taxes and attorney’s fees to 180 Land. The court affirmed the district court’s ruling that: (1) a taking occurred; (2) the district court was correct in its determination of the just compensation award; and (3) no error existed in the district court’s other awards.
