SALT Equalizer
Contents of this issue:
Joyce Saltalamachia, Jim Jones to Receive 1998 SALT Teaching Award, at 1.
Michael Rooke-Ley, SALT Announces March and Rally in Support of Affirmative Action, at 1.
Linda S. Greene, President's Column, at 2.
Joyce Saltalamachia, SALT Board Meets in Washington, D.C., at 3.
Karen Czapanskiy, SALT Teaching Conference a Huge Success, at 4.
Sylvia A. Law, Law Professors as Political Activists, at 9.
SALT Events at the Annual AALS Meeting: San Francisco, at 11.
Resolution in Support of SALT C.A.R.E. March, at 12.
Lisa Ikemoto, "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" and the Solomon Amendments, at 14.
Dom Vetri, One School's Response to the Solomon Amendments, at 14.
Michael Rooke-Ley, Now This is Worth Reading, at 17.
Ann C. Shalleck, First Monday's Focus on Immigration Generates Change, at 18.
Stephen Wizner & Bacardi Jackson, SALT's Litigation and Legislation Support Group Seeks Your Help, at 18.
Eric K. Yamamoto, Cover Study Group "Violence and the Word": Law Professors' (Re)Action to Proposition 209, at 19.
Scott Taylor, From the Treasurer, at 21.
Publication Citation
SALT Equalizer, Dec. 1997
Recommended Citation
Society of American Law Teachers
"SALT Equalizer, Vol. 1997, Issue 4,"
SALT Equalizer: Vol. 1997:
4, Article 1.
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