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Taxpayer Identification Numbers: If you do not qualify for a Social Security Number, and you are required to file a tax return you need a taxpayer identification number! This number is called an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN). If your ITIN was issued before 2013, do not forget to renew your ITIN number. If the middle two digits of your ITIN are 70 through 82 you must renew ASAP. When renewing, Do NOT send your original passport to the IRS if you need it for identification purposes as they may keep it for up to 60 days or so. An alternative is to have a Certified Acceptance Agent authenticate your taxpayer identification documents (e.g., passport, birth certificate, driver’s license, etc.)


Professor Francine Lipman brings the City of Las Vegas invaluable tax tips & traps for the unwary in this weekly morning radio spot “Tax Talk Tuesdays” on KUNV Radio 91.5 F.M. Topics change weekly and include IRS phone scams, information on offers in compromise, higher education benefits, veterans’ disability severance payments, and many more issues affecting many taxpayers.