"Finishing the Job of Legal Education Reform" by Mary Beth Beazley

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In this article, Professor Beazley advocates for the extension of tenure to skills faculty for the good of law faculty and of legal education. She argues that extending tenure to legal writing and other skills faculty will help to advance the goals of education reform in a variety of ways. First, equalizing the power of skills faculty will allow law schools to get the full benefit of their teaching and scholarship, a benefit that is currently blunted by ignorance and bias. Second, fair treatment of skills faculty will advance the values of equality, diversity, and inclusion: law students will benefit if more faculty of color embrace skills teaching (which they currently avoid due to its stigma). Finally, fair treatment of skills faculty will advance and improve the teaching of practice-related skills, increasing the vitality of law schools by making legal education more relevant to the practice of law.

Publication Citation

51 Wake Forest L. Rev. 101 (2016).
