"Riddikulus!: Tenure-Track Legal Writing Faculty and the Boggart in the" by Mary Beth Beazley

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Professor Beazley compares myths to boggarts in this examination of the reasons schools cite when explaining their lack of tenure-track positions for legal writing faculty. These boggarts are the living myths that pop out and whisper in faculty ears whenever someone suggests that law schools should create tenure-track - or even permanent - faculty positions in legal writing. Although some faculties have defeated these boggarts, they are still out there, popping out not from under the bed or from behind the closet door, but at lunch in the faculty lounge, after the committee meeting, and during the conversation in the hallway. When challenged, these boggarts shift their shapes, twisting their logic until they are almost unrecognizable, exploiting the fears of those who debate the inclusion of legal-writing professionals in the academy. One by one, Professor Beazley introduces these boggarts and knocks them down as, "Riddikulus!"

Publication Citation

7 Scribes J. Legal Writing 21 (2000).
