"What Law Must Lawyers Know?" by Joan W. Howarth

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What constitutes the body of legal knowledge that every lawyer must
possess? I used to know, or think I did, but no longer. I suspect no one else
knows either. This difficult question is not just an intriguing theoretical
matter but also an urgent, practical problem. Licensing regulators assume
that minimal competence in any profession requires certain fundamental
knowledge, skills, and abilities.Bar examiners must determine what
knowledge, skills, and abilities are necessary for minimum competence as
an attorney and then design tests and other requirements to attempt to align
licensure with minimum competence. Today’s tangled attorney licensing
puzzle cannot be solved without better answers to this foundational question:
what law must every lawyer know?


This article and other articles by Professor Howarth are available on her SSRN page: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=47870

Publication Citation

19 Conn. Pub. Int. L.J. 1 (2019).
