Submissions from 1986
Employee Recruitment by Design or Default: Uncertainty Under Title VII, Elaine W. Shoben
Submissions from 1985
Government–Owned Media: The Government as Speaker and Censor, Linda L. Berger
The Putative Marriage Doctrine, Christopher L. Blakesley
Review Essay on Affirmative Action, Leslie C. Griffin
The Wrong's of Victim's Rights, Lynne Henderson
Note, Developments Under the Freedom of Information Act—1984, Mary LaFrance
Book Review, Elaine W. Shoben
Submissions from 1984
A Conceptual Framework for Extradition and Jurisdiction Over Extraterritorial Crime, Christopher L. Blakesley
Berger v. The Supreme Court—The Implications of His Exceptions-Clause Odyssey, Thomas B. McAffee
Motions to Enforce Settlements: An Important Procedural Tool, Jeffrey W. Stempel
Submissions from 1983
Medical Dependency in Arizona, Mary E. Berkheiser
Lawyers and the Abortion Debate: Presenting a Balanced View, Thomas B. McAffee
The Use of Statistics to Prove Intentional Employment Discrimination, Elaine W. Shoben
Why Lawyers Should Be Allowed to Advertise: A Market Analysis of Legal Services, Jeffrey W. Stempel
Submissions from 1982
Norris v. Arizona Governing Committee: Titile VII's Applicability to Arizona's Deferred Compensation Plan, Mary E. Berkheiser
United States Jurisdiction Over Extraterritorial Crime, Christopher L. Blakesley
Electoral Folklore: An Empirical Examination of the Abortion Issue, Jeffrey W. Stempel
Submissions from 1981
Child Custody and Parental Authority in France, Louisiana and Other States of the United States: A Comparative Analysis, Christopher L. Blakesley
The Practice of Extradition From Antiquity to Modern France and the United States: A Brief History, Christopher L. Blakesley
Compound Discrimination: The Interaction of Race and Sex in Employment Discrimination, Elaine W. Shoben
Submissions from 1980
Extradition Between France and the United States: An Exercise in Comparative and International Law, Christopher L. Blakesley
Reverse Political Checkoff Per Se Illegal as Violation of Federal Election Campaign Act, Jay S. Bybee
The Rights of Gay Prisoners: A Challenge to Protective Custody, Joan W. Howarth
In Defense of Disparate Impact Analysis Under Title VII: A Reply to Dr. Cohn, Elaine W. Shoben
An Assessment of Alternative Strategies for Increasing Access to Legal Services, Jeffrey W. Stempel
Submissions from 1979
Profits in Subrogation: An Insurer's Claim to Be More Than Indemnified, Jay S. Bybee
"We're Only Trying to Help": The Burden and Standard of Proof in Short-Term Civil Commitment, Lynne Henderson
Book Review, Elaine W. Shoben
Submissions from 1978
Conditional Liberation (Parole) in France, Christopher L. Blakesley
Constitutional Law - Due Process - Notice by Publication is Constitutionally Inadequate in Tax Sale Proceeding, Martin A. Geer
Note, A Dialogue on the Political Question Doctrine, Thomas B. McAffee and Christopher A. Johnson
Differential Pass-Fail Rates in Employment Testing: Statistical Proof Under Title VII, Elaine W. Shoben
Submissions from 1977
Probing the Discriminatory Effects of Employee Selection Procedures with Disparate Impact Analysis Under Title VII, Elaine W. Shoben
Submissions from 1973
The Interrogated Juvenile: Caveat Confessor?, Elaine W. Shoben
Submissions from 1972
Speedy Trial and the Congested Trial Calendar, Christopher L. Blakesley