Nevada Law Journal
Volume 10, Issue 1 (2009)
Front Matter
Table of Contents, Editorial Board, Law School Faculty and Administration
University of Nevada, Las Vegas -- William S. Boyd School of Law
Marketing Mothers' Milk: The Commodification of Breastfeeding and the New Markets for Breast Milk and Infant Formula
Linda C. Fentiman
Essay: Inside Guantanamo
Peter Jan Honigsberg
The Politics of Supplementing Failure Under No Child Left Behind: How Both Left and Right Are Forcing Low-Income Children to Choose Between a Deficient Education and Working Overtime
Monica Teixeira de Sousa
Herring v. United States: Mapp's "Artless" Overruling?
Michael Vitiello
You Drank My Milkshake! Accusations of Water Rights Takings in Estate of Hage v. United States
Holly E. Cheong
Reduced Discretion in Corporate Governance as Applied to the Pharmaceutical Industry in Nevada
Timothy Koval
When the Governor Legislates: Post-Enactment Budget Changes and the Separation of Powers in Nevada
Joanna M. Myers
Covenants Not to Compete in Nevada: A Proposal
Elham Roohani
Book Review