Nevada Law Journal
Volume 12, Issue 2 (2012)
Front Matter
Table of Contents, Editorial Board, Law School Faculty and Administration
University of Nevada, Las Vegas -- William S. Boyd School of Law
The Paradox and Promise of Restorative Attorney Discipline
Jennifer Gerarda Brown and Liana G.T. Wolf
Restorative Lawyer Discipline in Australia
Linda Haller
Paradox and Civic Republican Vision
John Braithwaite
The Promise of Client-Centered Professional Norms
Katherine R. Kruse
Paradox Lost: The Potential of Restorative Attorney Discipline — With a Cautionary Call for Making Distinctions
Jeffrey W. Stempel
I Want My (Immigration) Lawyer! The Necessity of Court-Appointed Immigration Counsel in Criminal Prosecutions after Padilla v. Kentucky
Scott R. Grubman
"Thinking" in a Deweyan Perspective: The Law School Exam as a Case Study for Thinking in Lawyering
Donald J. Kochan