Nevada Law Journal
Volume 13, Issue 3 (2013) Symposium: Under the Knife: Health Law, Health Care Reform, and Beyond
Front Matter
Table of Contents, Editorial Board, Law School Faculty and Administration
University of Nevada, Las Vegas -- William S. Boyd School of Law
Genomics Unbound: The Scientific and Legal Case against Patents Based on Naturally Occurring DNA Sequences
Fazal Khan and Lindsay Kessler
Information Technology's Failure to Disrupt Health Care
Nicolas P. Terry
The Shifting Focus of Federal Intervention in Retiree Health Benefits
Susan E. Cancelosi
Health Care Cost Containment: No Longer an Option but a Mandate
Susan Adler Channick
Death Panels and the Rhetoric of Rationing
Elizabeth Weeks Leonard
Notification of Employee Rights Under the National Labor Relations Act: A Turning Point for the National Labor Relations Board
Amanda L. Ireland
Nevada's Medical Malpractice Damages Cap: One for All Heirs or One for Each?
Patrick C. McDonnell