Nevada Law Journal
Volume 14, Issue 3 (2014) Symposia: 50th Anniversary of Title VII & Sesquicentennial of the Nevada Constitution
Front Matter
Table of Contents, Editorial Board, Law School Faculty and Administration
University of Nevada, Las Vegas -- William S. Boyd School of Law
Symposium: 50th Anniversary of Title VII
Title VII at Fifty Years: A Symposium
Ann C. McGinley
The Trouble with Torgerson: The Latest Effort to Summarily Adjudicate Employment Discrimination Cases
Theresa M. Beiner
Hiding the Statute in Plain View: University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center v. Nassar
Michael J. Zimmer
Lessons from the Dolphins/Richie Incognito Saga
Kerri Lynn Stone
How the NLRB's Light Still Shines on Anti-discrimination Law Fifty Years After Title VII
Michael Z. Green
Defying "Common Sense?": The Legitimacy of Applying Title VII to Employer Criminal Records Policies
Tammy R. Pettinato
Misconstruing Notice in EEOC Administrative Processing & Conciliation
Angela D. Morrison and Angela D. Morrison
Title VII and Diversity
Kingsley R. Browne
Symposium: Sesquicentennial of the Nevada Constitution
Symposium: Nevada Law at 150
Jeffrey W. Stempel
Nevada Public Policy and Higher Education: The Roles of the Legislature and the Board of Regents Under the Nevada Constitution
Thomas B. McAffee and Justin James McAffee
Making Liquor Immunity Worse: Nevada's Undue Protection of Commercial Hosts Evicting Vulnerable and Dangerous Patrons
Jeffrey W. Stempel
The Expanding Use of Genetic and Psychological Evidence: Finding Coherence in the Criminal Law?
Michael Vitiello
America's "Disneyland of Sex": Exploring the Problem of Sex Trafficking in Las Vegas and Nevada's Response
Chariane K. Forrey
Title IX and Baseball: How the Contact Sports Exemption Denies Women Equal Opportunity to America's Pastime
Brittany K. Puzey
Case Notes