Nevada Law Journal
Volume 15, Issue 1 (2014)
Front Matter
Table of Contents, Editorial Board, Law School Faculty and Administration
University of Nevada, Las Vegas -- William S. Boyd School of Law
Encouraging Victims: Responding to a Recent Study of Battered Women Who Commit Crimes
Andrea L. Dennis and Carol E. Jordan
Probing into Salinas's Silence: Back to the "Accused Speaks" Model?
Rinat Kitai-Sangero and Yuval Merin
Prosser's Bait-and-Switch: How Food Safety was Sacrificed in the Battle for Tort's Empire
Denis W. Stearns
Rethinking Trademark Functionality as a Question of Fact
Yvette Joy Liebesman
The Case Against Separating the Care from the Caregiver: Reuniting Caregivers' Rights and Children's Rights
Pamela Laufer-Ukeles
Securities Laws as Foreign Policy
Karen E. Woody
Nevada's Foreclosure Epidemic: Homeowner Associations' Super-priority Liens Not So "Super" for Some
Kylee Gloeckner