Nevada Law Journal
Volume 16, Issue 3 (2016) Symposium: Magistrate Judges and the Transformation of the Federal Judiciary
Front Matter
Table of Contents, Editorial Board, Law School Faculty and Administration
University of Nevada, Las Vegas -- William S. Boyd School of Law
Introduction: Magistrate Judges and the Transformation of the Federal Judiciary
Daniel W. Hamilton and Thomas O. Main
Article I Judges in an Article III World: The Career Path of Magistrate Judges
Tracey E. George and Albert H. Yoon
"Nothing Less than Indispensable": The Expansion of Federal Magistrate Judge Authority and Utilization in the Past Quarter Century
Douglas A. Lee and Thomas E. Davis
The Comparative Outputs of Magistrate Judges
Christina L. Boyd
Magistrate Judges, Settlement, and Procedural Justice
Nancy A. Welsh
How Bayesian Are Judges?
Jack Knight, Mitu Gulati, and David Levi
Contracting Out of Fiduciary Duties in LLCs: Delaware Will Lead, but Will Anyone Follow?
H. Justin Pace
Decisions and Orders of the Nevada Occupational Safety and Health Review Board: Time to Lift the Veil of Secrecy
Stephen C. Yohay
The Nevada Supreme Court Between 2010 and 2014
Jordan T. Smith
Major League Broadcasting: The Deleterious Effects of Major League Baseball's Antitrust Exemption on Nevada Consumers with No Home Team
Andrew P. Dunning and Kerry E. Kleiman