Nevada Law Journal
Volume 17, Issue 2 (2017) Symposium: The Past and Future of Juvenile Justice Reform
Front Matter
Table of Contents, Editorial Board, Law School Faculty and Administration
University of Nevada, Las Vegas -- William S. Boyd School of Law
On the Ends and Means of Protecting Youth in Juvenile Courts
Franklin E. Zimring
Championing Children's Rights in Nevada, 2000-2015: The Thomas & Mack Juvenile Justice Clinic as Change Agent
Mary C. Berkheiser
Pursuing Gault
David S. Tanenhaus and Eric C. Nystrom
Barry Feld: An Intellectual History of a Juvenile Court Reformer
Martin Guggenheim
Juvenile Justice Research to Policy and the Case of Fines
Alex R. Piquero
A Generic a Day Keeps the Lawyer Away
Cara Brumfield
Joinder, Conspiracy, and Racketeering: Charging Issues Arising in the Prosecution of Staged-Accident Insurance Schemes
Michael C. Kovac