Nevada Law Journal
Volume 18, Issue 1 (2017)
Front Matter
Table of Contents, Editorial Board, Law School Faculty and Administration
University of Nevada, Las Vegas -- William S. Boyd School of Law
Realizing Dispute Resolution: Meeting the Challenges of Legal Realism Through Mediation
Robert Rubinson
Not From a Wicked Heart: Testing the Assumptions of the Provocation Doctrine
Carlton J. Patrick and Debra Lieberman
Hyatt v. Franchise Tax Board of California: Perils of Undue Disputing Zeal and Undue Immunity for Government-Inflicted Injury
Jeffrey W. Stempel
How University Title IX Enforcement and Other Discipline Processes (Probably) Discriminate Against Minority Students
Ben Trachtenberg
Relative Consent and Contract Law
Nancy S. Kim
Pre- Or Post-Mortem?
Leslie C. Griffin
Unshackling the Sixth Amendment: How Federalism Frees Our Constitutional Hostages of the War on Drugs
Christopher Giddens
Recognizing an Overcorrection: A Proposal for Nevada's Policy on Non-Compete Agreements
Kristopher Kalkowski