Nevada Law Journal
Volume 18, Issue 3 (2018)
Front Matter
Table of Contents, Editorial Board, Law School Faculty and Administration
University of Nevada, Las Vegas -- William S. Boyd School of Law
Bit by Bit: Breaking Down the Ninth Circuit's Frameworks for Jury Misconduct in the Digital Age
Jesse Gessin
The Computer Made Me Do It: Is There a Future for False Claims Act Liability Against Electronic Health Record Vendors?
Deborah R. Farringer
Making the Evil Less Necessary and the Necessary Less Evil: Towards a More Honest and Robust System of Plea Bargaining
Steven P. Grossman
The Corporate Personhood Two-Step
Carliss N. Chatman
Arrested Development: Rethinking Fourth Amendment Standards for Seizures and Uses of Force in Schools
Alexis Karteron
Restraining Forced Marriage
Lisa V. Martin
Police, Heroes, and Child Trafficking: Who Cries When Her Attacker Wears Blue?
Samuel Vincent Jones