Nevada Law Journal
Volume 3, Issue 2 (2003) Perspectives on Dispute Resolution in the Twenty-First Century
Front Matter
Table of Contents
University of Nevada, Las Vegas -- William S. Boyd School of Law
Symposium Introduction
Jeffrey W. Stempel
A Traditionalist Looks at Mediation: It's Here to Stay and Much Better Than I Thought
Stephen N. Subrin
Judicial Mediation and Signaling
Edward J. Brunet
Self-Deregulation, the "National Policy" of the Supreme Court
Paul D. Carrington
Forgetfulness, Fuzziness, Functionality, Fairness, and Freedom in Dispute Resolution: Serving Dispute Resolution Through Adjudication
Jeffrey W. Stempel
A Fresh Look at the Federal Rules in State Courts
John B. Oakley
"An Overwhelming Question" About Non-Formal Procedure
Thomas O. Main