Nevada Law Journal
Volume 7, Issue 1 (2006)
Front Matter
Table of Contents
University of Nevada, Las Vegas -- William S. Boyd School of Law
Rape as a Badge of Slavery: The Legal History of, and Remedies for, Prosecutorial Race-of-Victim Charging Disparities
Jeffrey J. Pokorak
Perp Walks and Prosecutorial Ethics
Ernest F. Lidge III
Theories of Asbestos Litigation Cost - Why Two Decades of Procedural Reform Have Failed to Reduce Claimants' Expenses
Jeffrey M. Davidson
The History of School Trust Lands in Nevada: The No Child Left Behind Act of 1864
Christopher J. Walker
Judicial Review and the "Hard Look" Doctrine
Patrick M. Garry
The Most Important Right We Think We Have But Don't: Freedom from Religious Discrimination in Education
Kenneth L. Marcus
Is Looting Ever Justified?: An Analysis of Looting Laws and the Applicability of the Necessity Defense During Natural Disasters and States of Emergency
Stephanie J. Hamrick