Nevada Law Journal
Volume 7, Issue 2 (2007) Symposium: Misjudging
Front Matter
Table of Contents
University of Nevada, Las Vegas -- William S. Boyd School of Law
Chris Guthrie
Nobody's Perfect
Stephan Landsman
Philip M. Pro
Misjudging: Implications for Dispute Resolution
Donna Shestowsky
Thoughts on Misjudging Misjudging
Stephen N. Subrin
On Misjudging and Its Implications for Criminal Defendants, Their Lawyers and the Criminal Justice System
Rodney J. Uphoff
Post-Realist Blues: Formalism, Instrumentalism, and the Hybrid Nature of Common Law Jurisprudence
Marin Roger Scordato
Kegs, Crude, and Commodities Law: On Why It Is Time to Reexamine the Suitability Doctrine
Andrew M. Pardieck
A Proposal to Clarify Rule 68 of the Nevada Rules of Civil Procedure Regarding Offers of Judgment
Craig Roecks
But I Thought This Was Sin City!: Nevada's Restrictions on Advertisements for Legal Brothel Services
Denise S. Balboni
DWI and Drugs: A Look at Per Se Laws for Marijuana
Charles R. Cordova, Jr.
Gasoline Prices and Antitrust Law: Fixing the Price-Fixing Dilemma of Sherman Act § 1 Analysis
Greg Hubbard