Nevada Law Journal
Volume 8, Issue 1 (2007) Symposium - Rethinking the Federal Arbitration Act: An Examination of Whether and How the Statute Should Be Amended
Front Matter
Table of Contents, Board of Editors, Law School Faculty and Administration
University of Nevada, Las Vegas -- William S. Boyd School of Law
Introduction: Dreaming About Arbitration Reform
Jean R. Sternlight
Extending OWBPA Notice and Consent Protections to Arbitration Agreements Involving Employees and Consumers
Christopher J. Kippley and Richard A. Bales
Dangers of Deference to Form Arbitration Provisions
Amy J. Schmitz
Measures to Encourage and Reward Post-Dispute Agreements to Arbitrate Employment Discrimination Claims
Michael Z. Green
In Defense of Mandatory Binding Arbitration (if Imposed on the Company)
Jean R. Sternlight
Arbitration Law's Separability Doctrine After Buckeye Check Cashing, Inc. v. Cardegna
Stephen J. Ware
Federal Common Law and Arbitral Power
Alan Scott Rau
Codifying Manifest Disregard
Christopher R. Drahozal
Keeping Arbitrations from Becoming Kangaroo Courts
Jeffrey W. Stempel
Process Purity and Innovation: A Response to Professors Stempel, Cole, and Drahozal
Richard C. Reuben
Parties' Power to Vary Standards for Review of International Commercial Arbitration Awards
Richard E. Speidel
The Arrival of the "Have-Nots" in International Arbitration
Catherine A. Rogers
Preserving the Federal Arbitration Act by Reigning in Judicial Expansion and Mandatory Use
Maureen A. Weston
The Arbitration Penumbra: Arbitration Law and the Rapidly Changing Landscape of Dispute Resolution
Thomas J. Stipanowich
A More Employee Friendly Standard for Pretext Claims After Ash v. Tyson
Deanna C. Brinkerhoff