Nevada Law Journal
Volume 14, Issue 2 (2014) Symposium: Democracy and the Workplace
Front Matter
Table of Contents, Editorial Board, Law School Faculty and Administration
University of Nevada, Las Vegas -- William S. Boyd School of Law
Introduction: Democracy at Work
Ruben J. Garcia
Workplace Democracy for the Twenty-First Century? Rethinking a Norm of Worker Voice in the Wake of the Corporate Diversity Juggernaut
Cynthia Estlund
Founding Worker Cooperatives: Social Movement Theory and the Law
Ariana R. Levinson
Unions and Campaign Finance Litigation
Charlotte Garden
Unions as Conduits of Democratic Voice for Non-Elites: Worker Politicization from the Shop Floor to the Halls of Congress
Michael Wasser and J. Ryan Lamare
Undermining or Promoting Democratic Government?: An Economic and Empirical Analysis of the Two Views of Public Sector Collective Bargaining in American Law
Kenneth G. Dau-Schmidt and Mohammad Khan
Women, Unions, and Negotiation
Nicole Buonocore Porter
Teacher Working Conditions With and Without Collective Bargaining
Clifford B. Donn, Rachel E. Donn, Lloyd Goldberg, and Brenda J. Kirby
Public Sector Labor Policy: A Human Rights Approach
Robert Hebdon
Harmelin's Faulty Originalism
Michael J. Zydney Mannheimer
Regulatory Arbitrage, Extraterritorial Jurisdiction, and Dodd-Frank: The Implications of US Global OTC Derivative Regulation
Christian Johnson