Nevada Law Journal
Volume 5, Issue 2 (2005) The Lawyer's Role(s) in Deliberative Democracy: A Commentary by and Responses to Professor Carrie Menkel-Meadow
Front Matter
Table of Contents
University of Nevada, Las Vegas -- William S. Boyd School of Law
The Lawyer's Role(s) in Deliberative Democracy
Carrie Menkel-Meadow
Hope and Misgiving about Lawyers, Consensus-Building, and Social Problem-Solving
Jennifer Gerarda Brown
A Plumber Responds to the Philosophers: A Comment on Professor Menkel-Meadow's Essay on Deliberative Democracy
Philip J. Harter
Learning from Practice: What ADR Needs from a Theory of Justice
Katherine R. Kruse
Look Before You Leap and Keep on Looking: Lessons from the Institutionalization of Court-Connected Mediation
Bobbie McAdoo and Nancy A. Welsh
Legal Pragmatism, an Ideal Speech Situation, and the Fully Embodied Democratic Process
Dmitri N. Shalin
Lawyers, Democracy and Dispute Resolution: The Declining Influence of Lawyer-Statesmen Politicians and Lawyerly Values
Jeffrey W. Stempel
Extending a Qualified Evidentiary Privilege to Confidential Communications Between Employees and Their Union Representatives
Michael D. Moberly
The ERISA Hokey-Pokey: You Put Your Top Hat In, You Put Your Top Hat Out
Sally Lerner Galati