Nevada Law Journal
Volume 6, Issue 2 (2006) Symposium: Barriers to Peace in the Middle East
Front Matter
Table of Contents
University of Nevada, Las Vegas -- William S. Boyd School of Law
Barriers to Progress at the Negotiation Table: Internal Conflicts Among Israelis and Among Palestinians
Robert H. Mnookin, Ehud Eiran, and Sreemati Mitter
Creating Positive Facts on the Ground: A Viable Palestinian State Overview
Byron Bland, Lee Ross, and Walid Salem
Exploring the Link Between Domestic Conflicts and Negotiation Failure in the Middle East
Russell Korobkin
The Day After Tomorrow: What Happens Once a Middle East Peace Treaty is Signed?
Andrea Kupfer Schneider
Peace versus Justice
Richard J. Goldstone
Is Multidistrict Litigation a Just and Efficient Consolidation Technique? Using Diet Drug Litigation as a Model to Answer this Question
Danielle Oakley