Nevada Law Journal
Volume 6, Issue 3 (2006) Special Issue on Legal Representation of Children
Front Matter
Table of Contents
University of Nevada, Las Vegas -- William S. Boyd School of Law
Representing Children In Families--Foreword
Bruce A. Green and Annette R. Appell
Recommendations of the UNLV Conference on Representing Children in Families: Child Advocacy and Justice Ten Years After Fordham
UNLV Conference on Representing Children in Families: Child Advocacy and Justice Ten Years After Fordham
Report of the Working Group on the Role of the Family
Working Group on the Role of the Family
Report of the Working Group on the Role of Age and Stage of Development
Working Group on the Role of Age and Stage of Development
Report of the Working Group on the Role of Race, Ethnicity, and Class
Working Group on the Role of Race, Ethnicity, and Class
Report of the Working Group on the Role of Sex and Sexuality
Working Group on the Role of Sex and Sexuality
Report of the Working Group on the Lessons of International Law, Norms, and Practice
Working Group on the Lessons of International Law, Norms, and Practice
Report of the Working Group on Representing the Whole Child
Working Group on the Representing the Whole Child
Report of the Working Group on Representing Children as Members of Communities
Working Group on the Representing Children as Members of Communities
Report of the Working Group on the Best Interests of the Child and the Role of the Attorney
Working Group on the Best Interests of the Child and the Role of the Attorney
Participants in the Conference on Representing Children in Families: Children's Advocacy and Justice Ten Years After Fordham
University of Nevada, Las Vegas -- William S. Boyd School of Law
Representing Children in Families
Susan L. Brooks
Something's Happening Here: Children and Human Rights Jurisprudence in Two International Courts
Bernardine Dohrn
How Children's Lawyers Serve State Interests
Martin Guggenheim
It Takes a Lawyer to Raise a Child?: Allocating Responsibilities among Parents, Children, and Lawyers in Delinquency Cases
Kristin Henning
Obtaining and Utilizing Comprehensive Forensic Evaluations: The Applicability of One Clinic's Model
Antoinette Kavanaugh, Jennifer Clark, Tiffany Masson, and Barbara Kahn
Minor Discrepancies: Forging a Common Understanding of Adolescent Competence in Healthcare Decision-Making and Criminal Responsibility
Kimberly M. Mutcherson
The Logistical and Ethical Difficulties of Informing Juveniles about the Collateral Consequences of Adjudications
Michael Pinard
Girl Talk--Examining Racial and Gender Lines in Juvenile Justice
Kim Taylor-Thompson
Choiceless Choices: Deportation and the Parent-Child Relationship
David B. Thronson
Conference Responses
Two Distinct Roles/Bright Line Test
Donald N. Duquette
The Child's Representation under CAPTA: It Is Time for Enforcement
Gerard N. Duquette
Recognizing the Expertise of Children and Families
Ann M. Haralmbie
A Response to the Recommendations of the UNLV Conference: Another Look at the Attorney/Guardian Ad Litem Model
Robert F. Harris
Evaluating the Impact of Intervention on Families
Catherine E. Krebs
Giving a Voice to the Voiceless: Enhancing Youth Participation in Court Proceedings
Miriam Aroni Krinsky and Jennifer Rodriquez
Standing in Babylon, Looking Toward Zion
Katherine R. Kruse
The Importance of Using Alternative Dispute Resolution Techniques and Processes in the Ethical and Informed Representation of Children
Kelly Browe Olson
Buzz in the Brain and Humility in the Heart: Doing It All, Without Doing Too Much, on Behalf of Children
Erik Pitchal
A Place at the Table: Creating Presence and Voice for Teenagers in Dependency Proceedings
Catherine J. Ross
In Search of a Child's Future
Shari F. Shink
Representing Children with Disabilities: Legal and Ethical Considerations
Kim Brooks Tandy and Teresa Heffernan
Recommendations of the 1995 Fordham Conference on Ethical Issues in the Legal Representation of Children
Fordham Conference on Ethical Issues in the Legal Representation of Children