Nevada Law Journal
Volume 8, Issue 2 (2008)
Front Matter
Table of Contents, Board of Editors, Faculty and Administration
University of Nevada, Las Vegas -- William S. Boyd School of Law
"All the News That's Fit to Print": The New York Times, "Yellow" Journalism, and the Criminal Trial 1892-1902
Trevor D. Dryer
An Automobile Exception in Nevada: A Critique of the Harnisch Cases
Thomas B. McAffee, John P. Lukens, and Thaddeus J. Yurek III
Life and Liberty: Seven Factors That Will Better Evaluate Self-Defense in Nevada's Common Law on Retreat
Robert Stephens
Judge Dredd: Hollywood Fiction or Las Vegas Reality?
Michael J. Gayan
Do Not feed the Homeless: One of the Meanest Cities for the Homeless Unconstitutionally Punishes the So-Called "Enablers"
D. Matthew Lay