Submissions from 2016
Hurrah for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau: Consumer Arbitration as a Poster Child for Regulation, Jean R. Sternlight
Braking the Rules: Why State Courts Should Not Replicate Amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Stephen N. Subrin and Thomas O. Main
Juvenile Justice in Global Perspective: From Chicago to Shanghai and Back to First Principles, David S. Tanenhaus
‘Let’s Change the Law’: Arkansas and the Puzzle of Juvenile Justice Reform in the 1990s, David S. Tanenhaus and Eric C. Nystrom
Complying with the HIPAA Privacy Rule: Problems and Perspectives, Stacey A. Tovino
Dying Fast: Suicide in Individuals with Gambling Disorder, Stacey A. Tovino
Gambling Disorder, Vulnerability, and the Law: Mapping the Field, Stacey A. Tovino
Of Mice and Men: On the Seclusion of Immigration Detainees and Hospital Patients, Stacey A. Tovino
The Grapes of Wrath: On the Health of Immigration Detainees, Stacey A. Tovino
The House Edge: On Gambling and Professional Discipline, Stacey A. Tovino
Geoblocking, Technical Standards and the Law, Marketa Trimble
Undetected Conflict-of-Laws Problems in Cross-Border Online Copyright Infringement Cases, Marketa Trimble
Submissions from 2015
Stabilizing Low-Wage Work: Legal Remedies for Unpredictable Work Hours & Income Stability, Charlotte Alexander, Anna Haley-Lock, and Nantiya Ruan
Nevada Youth Learn About Voting Rights, Rachel J. Anderson
Two Dogmas of Originalism, Ian C. Bartrum
Debunking Unequal Burdens, Trivial Violations, Harmless Stereotypes, and Similar Judicial Myths: The Convergence of Title VII Literalism, Congressional Intent, and Kantian Dignity Theory, Peter Brandon Bayer
A Rhetorician’s Practical Wisdom, Linda L. Berger
Creating Kairos at the Supreme Court: Shelby County, Citizens United, Hobby Lobby, and the Judicial Construction of Right Moments, Linda L. Berger
The Color-Blind Constitution: Choosing a Story to Live By, Linda L. Berger
Non-State Armed Groups and the Role of Transnational Criminal Law During Armed Conflict, Christopher L. Blakesley and Dan E. Stigall
Feminism in Yellowface, Stewart Chang
Gay Liberation in the Illiberal State, Stewart Chang
Always Already Suspect: Revising Vulnerability Theory, Frank Rudy Cooper
From Lonesome Cowboys to Geek Masculinities: A Study of Documentary Films on the Financial Crisis, Frank Rudy Cooper
Civil Protection Orders: Increased Access and Narrowed Enforcement, Courtney Cross
Designing a Transactional Law Clinic for Life-Long Learning, Patience A. Crowder
Advocacy as an Exercise in Virtue: Lawyering, Bad Facts, and Furman's High-Stakes Dilemma, Linda H. Edwards
Hearing Voices: Non-Party Stories in Abortion and Gay Rights Advocacy, Linda H. Edwards
All Together Now: Using Principles of Group Dynamics to Train Better Jurors, Sara Gordon
A Word of Warning from a Woman: Arbitrary, Categorical, and Hidden Religious Exemptions Threaten LGBT Rights, Leslie C. Griffin
Hobby Lobby: The Crafty Case that Threatens Women's Rights and Religious Freedom, Leslie C. Griffin
The Catholic Bishops vs. the Contraceptive Mandate, Leslie C. Griffin
Policing the Cease-and-Desist Letter, Leah Chan Grinvald
Social Media, Sharing, and Intellectual Property Law, Leah Chan Grinvald
Through the Google Looking Glass, Justin Iverson
Say the Magic Word: A Rhetorical Analysis of Contract Drafting Choices, Lori D. Johnson
A Taxonomy of Discretion: Refining the Legality Debate About Obama’s Executive Actions on Immigration, Michael Kagan
Believable Victims: Asylum Credibility and the Struggle for Objectivity, Michael Kagan
Do Immigrants Have Freedom of Speech?, Michael Kagan
Immigrant Victims, Immigrant Accusers, Michael Kagan
Immigration Law’s Looming Fourth Amendment Problem, Michael Kagan
Plenary Power Is Dead! Long Live Plenary Power!, Michael Kagan
Speaker Discrimination: The Next Frontier of Free Speech, Michael Kagan
The New Era of Presidential Immigration Law, Michael Kagan
Are We Serious About Performers' Rights?, Mary LaFrance
Clearing Rights for Entertainment Projects, Mary LaFrance
Reimagining Access to Justice in the Poor People’s Courts, Elizabeth L. MacDowell
Assumed Sane, Fatma Marouf
The Unconstitutional Use of Restraints in Removal Proceedings, Fatma Marouf
Policing and the Clash of Masculinities, Ann McGinley
Reconsidering Legal Regulation of Race, Sex, and Sexual Orientation, Ann C. McGinley
Abortion and Compelled Physician Speech, David Orentlicher
Medicaid at 50: No longer Limited to the "Deserving" Poor?, David Orentlicher
Introduction to Essays on Technology and Changes in Legal Research, Terrill Pollman
You Make Me Feel Like Dancing: Students, Scholars, and Sources in the Law Library, Jeanne Price
The Common Law Right to Information, Joseph Regalia
Navigating the Law of Defense Counsel Ex Parte Interviews of Treating Physicians, Joseph Regalia and V. Andrew Cass
Tribal Criminal Jurisdiction Beyond Citizenship and Blood, Addie C. Rolnick
Separated at Adoption: Addressing the Challenges of Maintaining Sibling-of-Origin Bonds in Post-adoption Families, Rebecca L. Scharf
Enhancing the Socially Instrumental Role of Insurance: The Opportunity and Challenge Presented by the ALI Restatement Position on Breach of the Duty to Defend, Jeffrey W. Stempel
Policyholder Rights to Independent Counsel: Issues Remain Regarding Compensation, Supervision of Counsel, Jeffrey W. Stempel
Rodney Dangerfield No More: The American Law Institute's Coming Restatement of the Law of Liability Insurance, Jeffrey W. Stempel
Disarming Employees: How American Employers Are Using Mandatory Arbitration to Deprive Workers of Legal Protection, Jean R. Sternlight
Psychology and Effective Lawyering: Insights for Legal Educators, Jean R. Sternlight and Jennifer K. Robbennolt
The DSM-5: Implications for Health Law, Stacey A. Tovino
Will Neuroscience Redefine Mental Injury? Disability Benefit Law, Mental Health Parity Law, and Disability Discrimination Law, Stacey A. Tovino
Confrontation after Ohio v. Clark, Anne R. Traum
Dean's Column: UNLV Law Students Making Tracks in Carson City, Anne R. Traum
Fairly Pricing Guilty Pleas, Anne R. Traum
Advancing National Intellectual Property Policies in a Transnational Context, Marketa Trimble
The Extraterritorial Enforcement of Patent Rights, Marketa Trimble
The Multiplicity of Copyright Laws on the Internet, Marketa Trimble
Submissions from 2014
Religion and the Restatements, Ian C. Bartrum
The Curious Case of Legislative Prayer: Town Of Greece v. Galloway, Ian C. Bartrum
The Ninth Circuit’s Treatment of Sexual Orientation: Defining “Rational Basis Review with Bite”, Ian C. Bartrum
Hiding in Plain Sight: "Conspicuous Type" Standards in Mandated Communication Statutes, Mary Beth Beazley
Writing (and Reading) Appellate Briefs in the Digital Age, Mary Beth Beazley
Complicity and Collection: Religious Freedom and Tax, Jennifer Carr
Dreams of My Father, Prison for My Mother: The H-4 Nonimmigrant Visa Dilemma and the Need for an "Immigration-Status Spousal Support", Stewart Chang
Neoliberalism and the Good Daddies and Bad Daddies of Academic Freedom, Stewart Chang
Racial Upside: Deconstructing the "Merits" of Jeremy Lin's NBA Contract, Stewart Chang
The Postcolonial Problem for Global Gay Rights, Stewart Chang
Inequality, Economic Development, and the New Regional Community, Patience A. Crowder
Interest Convergence as Transaction, Patience A. Crowder
(Sub)Urban Poverty and Regional Interest Convergence, Patience A. Crowder
Book Review: “The Good Lawyer: Seeking Quality in the Practice of Law”, Linda H. Edwards
The Trouble with Categories: What Theory Can Teach Us about the Doctrine-Skills Divide, Linda H. Edwards
Citizenship at Work: How the Supreme Court Politically Marginalized Public Employees, Ruben J. Garcia
What Jurors Want to Know: Motivating Juror Cognition to Increase Legal Knowledge & Improve Decisionmaking, Sara Gordon
Dean's Column: Students Know Best Why the UNLV Experience Pays, Daniel W. Hamilton and Anne R. Traum
Flexible Feminism and Reproductive Justice: An Essay in Honor of Ann Scales, Lynne Henderson
Must Israel Accept Syrian Refugees?, Michael Kagan
Buying Time? False Assumptions About Abusive Appeals, Michael Kagan, Fatma Marouf, and Rebecca Gill
A Material World: Using Trademark Law to Override Copyright's First Sale Rule for Imported Copies, Mary LaFrance
Heal the Suffering Children: Fifty Years after the Declaration of War on Poverty, Francine J. Lipman and Dawn Davis
VAWA @ 20: Improving Civil Legal Assistance for Ending Gender Violence, Elizabeth L. MacDowell
The Fourth Era of American Civil Procedure, Thomas O. Main and Stephen N. Subrin
Incompetent but Deportable: The Case for a Right to Mental Competence in Removal Proceedings, Fatma E. Marouf
Justice on the Fly: The Danger of Errant Deportations, Fatma Marouf, Michael Kagan, and Rebecca Gill