Submissions from 2011
Using Payroll Deduction to Shelter Individual Health Insurance from Income Tax, David Orentlicher
The Promise of Mancari: Indian Political Rights As Racial Remedy, Addie C. Rolnick
Experiential Learning in the First Year Curriculum: The Public Interest Partnership, Nantiya Ruan
Shady Grove and the Potential Democracy-Enhancing Benefits of Erie Formalism, Jeffrey W. Stempel
Reforming State Mental Health Parity Law, Stacey A. Tovino
Boyd Law's Thomas & Mack Clinic Scores Important Ninth Circuit Victory, Anne R. Traum
Constitutionalizing Immigration Law on Its Own Path, Anne R. Traum
Extraterritorial Intellectual Property Enforcement in the European Union, Marketa Trimble
When Foreigners Infringe Patents: An Empirical Look at the Involvement of Foreign Defendants in Patent Litigation in the U.S., Marketa Trimble
State of the Law School: Achieving Academic Success in Nevada, John Valery White
Submissions from 2010
Promoting Distributional Equality for Women: Some Thoughts on Gender and Global Corporate Citizenship in Foreign Direct Investment, Rachel J. Anderson
Reimagining Human Rights Law: Toward Global Regulation of Transnational Corporations, Rachel J. Anderson
Constructing the Constitutional Canon: The Metonymic Evolution of Federalist 10, Ian C. Bartrum
The Legal Writing Institute: Celebrating 25 Years of Teaching & Scholarship, Mary Beth Beazley
Misclassifying the Insurance Policy: The Unforced Errors of Unilateral Contract Characterization, Hazel G. Beh and Jeffrey W. Stempel
Studying and Teaching “Law as Rhetoric”: A Place to Stand, Linda L. Berger
Symposium, The Legal Writing Institute: Celebrating 25 Years of Teaching and Scholarship, Linda L. Berger
What is the Sound of a Corporation Speaking? “Just Another Voice,” According to the Supreme Court, Linda L. Berger
The Past, Presence, and Future of Legal Writing Scholarship: Rhetoric, Voice, and Community, Linda L. Berger, Linda H. Edwards, and Terrill Pollman
More than Merely Incidental: Third-Party Beneficiary Rights in Urban Redevelopment Contracts, Patience A. Crowder
A Writing Life, Linda H. Edwards
Once Upon a Time in Law: Myth, Metaphor, and Authority, Linda H. Edwards
Symposium, The Legal Writing Institute: Celebrating 25 Years of Teaching and Scholarship, Linda H. Edwards
How to Avoid the Constraints of Rule 10b-5(b): A First Circuit Guide for Underwriters, Eric H. Franklin
Law Students Compete in Society of Advocates, Sara Gordon
Fighting the New Wars of Religion: The Need for a Tolerant First Amendment, Leslie C. Griffin
Review Essay: Religion and Politics 2008-2009: Sometimes You Get What You Pray For, Leslie C. Griffin
Snyder V. Phelps: Searching For a Legal Standard, Leslie C. Griffin
A Tale of Two Theories of Well Known Marks, Leah Chan Grinvald
Getting Right Without Lincoln, Daniel W. Hamilton
Refugee Credibility Assessment and the “Religious Imposter” Problem, Michael Kagan
Report and Recommendations on the Status of Clinical Faculty in the Legal Academy, Katherine R. Kruse
Is Federal Government an Owner or an Infringer of Copyright in War Memorial?, Mary LaFrance
LaFrance on Distinguishing between Sales and Licenses of Software, Mary LaFrance
LaFrance on Employee Ownership of Federally-Funded Inventions, Mary LaFrance
LaFrance on Music Downloads as Reproductions Rather than Public Performances, Mary LaFrance
LaFrance on the Application of the Ordinary Observer Test in Richardson, Mary LaFrance
LaFrance on the Demise of the Point-of-Novelty Test, Mary LaFrance
LaFrance on the Registration of Sound Marks on the Principal Register, Mary LaFrance
Saving Private Ryan's Tax Refund: Poverty Relief for ALL Working Poor Military Families, Francine J. Lipman
Social Security Benefits Formula 101: A Practical Primer, Francine J. Lipman
The Procedural Foundation of Substantive Law, Thomas O. Main
Holding the World Bank Accountable for the Leakage of Funds from Africa's Health Sector, Fatma E. Marouf
Book Review: "The Lost History of the Ninth Amendment", Thomas B. McAffee
Discrimination Redefined, Ann C. McGinley
Erasing Boundaries: Masculinities, Sexual Minorities, and Employment Discrimination, Ann C. McGinley
Ricci v. DeStefano: A Masculinities Theory Analysis, Ann C. McGinley
In Search of the Reasonable Woman: Anti-Discrimination Rhetoric in the United States, Francis J. Mootz III
Perelman's Theory of Argumentation and Natural Law, Francis J. Mootz III
Ugly American Hermeneutics, Francis J. Mootz III
Cost Containment and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, David Orentlicher
Discrimination Out of Dismissiveness: The Example of Infertility, David Orentlicher
Health Care Law: A Field of Gaps, David Orentlicher
Multiple Embryo Transfers: Time for Policy, David Orentlicher
Prescription Data Mining and the Protection of Patients’ Interests, David Orentlicher
Rationing Health Care: It’s a Matter of the Health Care System’s Structure, David Orentlicher
Symposium, The Legal Writing Institute: Celebrating 25 Years of Teaching and Scholarship, Terrill Pollman
The Weiner-Rogers Law Library: An Invaluable Legal Resource, Jeanne Price
Academic Freedom and Academic Responsibility, Nancy B. Rapoport
Rethinking Fees in Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Cases, Nancy B. Rapoport
Rethinking Professional Fees in Chapter 11 Cases, Nancy B. Rapoport
Through Gritted Teeth and Clenched Jaw: Court-Initiated Sanctions in Bankruptcy Opinions, Nancy B. Rapoport
Debtor Counsel's Fiduciary Duty: Is There a Duty to Rat in Chapter 11?, Nancy B. Rapoport and C. R. Bowles
Is the Attorney-Client Privilege Under Attack?, Nancy B. Rapoport and Jennifer Gross
Facilitating Wage Theft: How Court Use Procedural Rules to Undermine Substantive Rights of Low-Wage Workers, Nantiya Ruan
Book Review, Chad J. Schatzle
The Power of Priming in Legal Advocacy: Using the Science of First Impressions to Persuade the Reader, Kathryn M. Stanchi
Expert Witnesses: The Nevada Supreme Court Clarifies Adherence to NRS 50.275 and Judicial Discretion, Expressly Declining to Embrace the Federal Daubert Approach, Jeffrey W. Stempel
Completing Caperton and Clarifying Common Sense Through Using the Right Standard for Constitutional Judicial Recusal, Jeffrey W. Stempel
Impeach Brent Benjamin Now!? Giving Adequate Attention to Failings of Judicial Impartiality, Jeffrey W. Stempel
Refocusing Away From Rules Reform and Devoting More Attention to the Deciders, Jeffrey W. Stempel
The Insurance Policy As Social Instrument and Social Institution, Jeffrey W. Stempel
The Insurance Policy as Statute, Jeffrey W. Stempel
Lawyerless Dispute Resolution: Rethinking a Paradigm, Jean R. Sternlight
The Potential Contribution of ADR to an Integrated Curriculum: Preparing Law Students for Real World Lawyering, Jean R. Sternlight
Book Review: "For the Common Good: Principles of American Academic Freedom", David S. Tanenhaus
Transforming a Field: The Critical Tradition in American Legal History, David S. Tanenhaus
Scientific Understandings of Postpartum Illness: Improving Health Law and Policy?, Stacey A. Tovino
Setting Foot on Enemy Ground: Cease-and-Desist Letters, DMCA Notifications and Personal Jurisdiction in Declaratory Judgment Actions, Marketa Trimble
Sacrificing Diversity for “Quality”: How Judicial Performance Evaluations are Failing Women & Minorities, Rebecca Wood, Sylvia R. Lazos, and Mallory Waters
Submissions from 2009
From Imperial Scholar to Imperial Student: Minimizing Bias in Article Evaluation by Law Reviews, Rachel J. Anderson
Toward Global Corporate Citizenship: Reframing Foreign Direct Investment Law, Rachel J. Anderson
Three Ways of Looking at a Health Law and Literature Class, Jennifer Bard, Thomas W. Mayo, and Stacey A. Tovino
Of Historiography and Constitutional Principle: Jefferson’s Letter to the Danbury Baptists, Ian C. Bartrum
Pleasant Grove v. Summum: Losing the Battle to Win the War, Ian C. Bartrum
Same-Sex Marriage in the Heartland: The Case for Legislative Minimalism in Crafting Religious Exemptions, Ian C. Bartrum
The Constitutional Canon As Argumentative Metonymy, Ian C. Bartrum
How Embedded Knowledge Structures Affect Judicial Decision Making: An Analysis of Metaphor, Narrative, and Imagination in Child Custody Disputes, Linda L. Berger
Queer Lockdown: Coming to Terms with the Ongoing Criminalization of LGBTQ Communities, Ann Cammett
Our First Unisex President?: Black Masculinity and Obama's Feminine Side, Frank Rudy Cooper
Race and Essentialism in Gloria Steinem, Frank Rudy Cooper
"Who's the Man?": Masculinities Studies, Terry Stops, and Police Training, Frank Rudy Cooper
Teaching Problem-Solving and Preventive Law Skills through International Labour and Employment Law, Ruben J. Garcia
Toward Fundamental Change for the Protection of Low-Wage Workers: The “Workers’ Rights are Human Rights" Debate in the Obama Era, Ruben J. Garcia
Teaching Freedom: Exclusionary Rights of Student Groups, Joan W. Howarth
Is There Really a Protection Gap? UNRWA’s Role vis-á-vis Palestinian Refugees, Michael Kagan
The (Relative) Decline of Palestinian Exceptionalism and its Consequences for Refugee Studies in the Middle East, Michael Kagan
LaFrance on Right of Publicity and False Endorsement: Armstrong v. Eagle Rock, Mary LaFrance
LaFrance on the Abandonment of the Point-of-Novelty Test for Design Patent, Mary LaFrance