Submissions from 2009
LaFrance on the Seventh Circuit's Approach to Joint Authorship in Copyright Law, Mary LaFrance
LaFrance on the Unlicensed Merchandising of University Trademarks, Mary LaFrance
LaFrance on Trademark Infringement for Removal of Product Codes from Packaging, Mary LaFrance
Saving Private Ryan's Tax Refund, Francine J. Lipman
When Reading Between the Lines is Not Enough: Lessons From Media Coverage of a Domestic Violence Homicide-Suicide, Elizabeth L. MacDowell
The Corporate Lawyer's Role in a Contemporary Democracy, Colin Marks and Nancy B. Rapoport
Socio-Economic Rights and Refugee Status: Deepening the Dialogue Between Human Rights and Refugee Law, Fatma E. Marouf and Deborah Anker
Taking History Seriously: Reflections on a Critique of Amar’s Treatment of the Ninth Amendment in His Work on the Bill of Rights, Thomas B. McAffee
Hillary Clinton, Sarah Palin, and Michelle Obama: Performing Gender, Race, and Class on the Campaign Trail, Ann C. McGinley
Reproducing Gender on Law School Faculties, Ann C. McGinley
Faith and Politics in the Post-Secular Age: The Promise of President Obama, Francis J. Mootz III
Faithful Hermeneutics, Francis J. Mootz III
Vico and Imagination: An Ingenious Approach to Educating Lawyers with Semiotic Sensibility, Francis J. Mootz III
Health Care Reform: Beyond Ideology, David Orentlicher
Presumed Consent to Organ Donation: Its Rise and Fall in the United States, David Orentlicher
Home Sweet Home? The Efficacy of Rental Restrictions to Promote Neighborhood Stability, Ngai Pindell
The Fair Housing Act at Forty: Predatory Lending and the City as Plaintiff, Ngai Pindell
Lessons From Enron - And Why We Don't Learn From Them, Nancy B. Rapoport
Swimming with Shark, Nancy B. Rapoport
The Real Reason Why Businesses Make Bad Decisions, Nancy B. Rapoport
Where Have All the (Legal) Stories Gone?, Nancy B. Rapoport
The "Other" Intermediaries: The Increasingly Anachronistic Immunity of Managing General Agents and Independent Claims Adjusters, Jeffrey W. Stempel
Chief William's Ghost: The Problematic Persistence of the Duty to Sit Doctrine, Jeffrey W. Stempel
Playing Forty Questions: Responding to Justice Roberts' Concerns in Caperton and Some Tentative Answers About Operationalizing Judicial Recusal and Due Process, Jeffrey W. Stempel
The Insurance Policy as Thing, Jeffrey W. Stempel
Fixing the Mandatory Arbitration Problem: We Need the Arbitration Fairness Act of 2009, Jean R. Sternlight
Dispute Resolution and the Quest for Justice, Jean R. Sternlight
Human Rights and Military Decisions: Counterinsurgency and Trends in the Law of, Dan E. Stigall, Christopher L. Blakesley, and Chris Jenks
Book Review, David S. Tanenhaus
Neuroscience and Health Law: An Integrative Approach?, Stacey A. Tovino
Remarks: Neuroscience, Gender, and the Law, Stacey A. Tovino
Last Best Chance for the Great Writ: Equitable Tolling and Federal Habeas Corpus, Anne R. Traum
Cross-Border Injunctions in U.S. Patent Cases and Their Enforcement Abroad, Marketa Trimble
Punitive Damages in Copyright Infringement Actions under the U.S. Copyright Act, Marketa Trimble
The Impact of “Patent Trolls” on Patent Law and the Legal Landscape of the United States, Marketa Trimble
The Public Policy Exception to Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Cases of Copyright Infringement, Marketa Trimble
Submissions from 2008
Metaphors and Modalities: Meditations on Bobbitt’s Theory of the Constitution, Ian C. Bartrum
The Political Origins of Secular Public Education: The New York School Controversy 1840-1842, Ian C. Bartrum
Séances, Ciénegas, and Slop: Can Collaboration Revive the Colorado Delta?, Bret C. Birdsong
Ruminations on Terrorism: Expiation and Exposition, Christopher L. Blakesley
Surveillance and Identity Performance: Some Thoughts Inspired by Martin Luther King, Frank Rudy Cooper
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell: A Dying Policy on the Precipice, Robert I. Correales
"Ain’t No Sunshine”: Examining Informality and State Open Meeting Acts as the Anti-public Norm in Inner-City Redevelopment Deal Making, Patience A. Crowder
A Democratic Theory of Amicus Advocacy, Ruben J. Garcia
Against Legislation: Garcetti v. Ceballos and the Paradox of Statutory Protection for Public Employees, Ruben J. Garcia
Justice Education and the Evaluation Process: Crossing Borders, Martin A. Geer, Margaret Martin Barry, Catherine F. Klein, and Ved Kumari
No Law Respecting the Practice of Religion, Leslie C. Griffin
Making Much Ado about Theory: The Chinese Trademark Law, Leah Chan Grinvald
Recruiting Sexual Minorities and People with Disabilities to be Dean, Joan W. Howarth
The Geronimo Bank Murders: A Gay Tragedy, Joan W. Howarth
Beyond Cardboard Clients in Legal Ethics, Katherine R. Kruse
In Re Gault and the Promise of Systemic Reform, Katherine R. Kruse
The Human Dignity of Clients, Katherine R. Kruse
Identical Cousins? On the Road with Dilution and the Right of Publicity, Mary LaFrance
LaFrance on Copyright Owners Right to Reproduce Collective Works, Mary LaFrance
LaFrance on Quanta Computer, Inc., v. LG Electronics, Inc., Mary LaFrance
LaFrance on Trademark Protection for Abbreviations of Generic Terms in Welding Services, Mary LaFrance
LaFrance on Zila v. Tinnell, 502 F.3d 1014 (9th Cir. 2007), Mary LaFrance
Time is of the Essence: Seize the Opportunity for Fulfillment in 2009, Francine J. Lipman
Law on the Street: Legal Narrative and the Street Law Classroom, Elizabeth L. MacDowell
Overcoming Lochner in the Twenty-First Century: Taking Both Rights and Popular Sovereignty Seriously as We Seek to Secure Equal Citizenship and Promote the Public Good, Thomas B. McAffee
The "Foundations" of Anti-Foundationalism — Or, Taking the Ninth Amendment Lightly: A Comment on Farber's Book on the Ninth Amendment, Thomas B. McAffee
The Automobile Exception in Nevada: A Critique of the Harnisch Cases, Thomas B. McAffee, John P. Lukens, and Thaddeus J. Yurek III
Creating Masculine Identities: Bullying and Harassment "Because of Sex", Ann C. McGinley
After Natural Law: A Hermeneutic Response to Law’s Quandary, Francis J. Mootz III
After the Battle of the Forms, Francis J. Mootz III
Interpretation, Francis J. Mootz III
Perelman in Legal Education: Recalling the Rhetorical Tradition of Isocrates and Vico, Francis J. Mootz III
The Irrelevance of Contemporary Academic Philosophy for Law: Recovering the Rhetorical Tradition, Francis J. Mootz III
Vico, Llewellyn and the Task of Legal Education, Francis J. Mootz III
Vico's "Ingenious Method" and Legal Education, Francis J. Mootz III
The Right to the City, Ngai Pindell
(Almost) Everything We Learned About Pleasing Bankruptcy Judges, We Learned in Kindergarten, Nancy B. Rapoport and Roland Bernier III
A Tangled Web of Justice: American Indian and Alaska Native Youth in Federal, State, and Tribal Justice Systems, Addie C. Rolnick and Neelum Arya
Accommodating Respectful Religious Expression in the Workplace, Nantiya Ruan
No 1L Left Behind: Tailoring IRAC Instruction to Various Learning Styles, Rebecca L. Scharf
Playing With Fire: The Science of Confronting Adverse Material in Legal Advocacy, Kathryn M. Stanchi
Step Away from the Case Book: A Call for Balance and Integration in Law School Pedagogy, Kathryn M. Stanchi
Adam, Martin and John: Iconography, Infrastructure, and America's Pathological Inconsistency About Medical Insurance, Jeffrey W. Stempel
Mandating Minimum Quality in Mass Arbitration, Jeffrey W. Stempel
Introduction: Collaboration Good or Bad: How is it Working on the Colorado River?, Jean R. Sternlight
Good Lawyers Should Be Good Psychologists: Insights for Interviewing and Counseling Clients, Jean R. Sternlight and Jennifer Robbennolt
Childhood in History, Literature, and Law: Confronting Authority, Illegitimacy, Myth, and Rights, David S. Tanenhaus
Incidental Findings: A Common Law Approach, Stacey A. Tovino
Neuroimaging Research into Disorders of Consciousness: Moral Imperative or Ethical and Legal Failure?, Stacey A. Tovino
The Impact of Neuroscience on Health Law, Stacey A. Tovino
Ketubah, the Marriage Contract under Jewish Law, and Its Application in Secular Legal Systems, Marketa Trimble
The Potential Worldwide Application of the US Fair Use Defence−Sarl Louis Feraud International and SA Pierre Balmain v Viewfinder Inc., Marketa Trimble
Submissions from 2007
The Constitutional Structure of Disestablishment, Ian C. Bartrum
Of Metaphor, Metonymy, and Corporate Money: Rhetorical Choices in Supreme Court Decisions on Campaign Finance Regulation, Linda L. Berger
The Myopia of U.S. v. Martinelli: Extraterritorial Jurisdiction in the 21st Century, Christopher L. Blakesley
The Spirit of 1968: Toward Abolishing Terry Doctrine, Frank Rudy Cooper
Political Reason, Leslie C. Griffin
Review Essay: Religion and Politics 2004-2007, Leslie C. Griffin
Destructive Ambiguity: Enemy Nationals and the Legal Enabling of Ethnic Conflict in the Middle East, Michael Kagan
Legal Refugee Recognition in the Urban South: Formal v. De Facto Refugee Status, Michael Kagan
Restitution as a Remedy for Refugee Property Claims in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Michael Kagan